Jumat, 11 November 2011

Tarraaaa SURPRISE ( ◦˘ З(◦'ں'◦)ε˘`)

The sweetest birthday I've ever feel
Not in my seventeen but in my eighteen
Great surprise .. nice gift
So thankfull to God
And this is every single part of a trap in my birhtday (҂‾.‾)-σ

Perjalanan menuju TKP *rumah ais*
Pake mobil Gantar
Dibekap gitu berasa lagi diculik

Saya basah kuyub dan ketakutan
Mereka?? Ketawa puas (¬_¬")

One of birthday gift from my beloved friends
Ikhwan - Ovi - Ovan - Ais - Reska - Bintang - Moli - Angga - Amel - Irfan - Ilham - Ihsan - Adit - Bonge - Gantar
Love you guys !!!

Every single part of this surprise make me speechless
It's unbelievable and unforgetable
I never though before about this surprise
My birthday is in the middle of midtest schedule
That's why I haven't any idea about "surprise"
But it's out of the box
They gave me surprise, some gifts, and friendship
Being loveable is the one that I love so
And they gave it to me in my 18 year old
Thanks guys, thank you so much

Oo yaa I almost forget it
In this birthday I got some birthday message
And there are three message which made me cried when I read it
The best three birthday message came from daddy, momma, and someone

From : Daddy
To : His beloved daughter

Congratulation, met ulang tahun ke 18
Semoga dengan bertambahnya usia akan ada hikmah kematangan, kemandirian, kedewasaan, percaya diri dalam menghadapi masa depan.
Doa dari ayah untuk anakku tersayang, anakku senantiasa dalam lindunganNya, diberi kemudahan, kesejahteraan, keselamatan, dan kelancaran. Mendapat ridho disetiap langkah kehidupan, tercapai yang dicita-citakan, menjadi hambanya yg bertakwa dan mutaqin.
Semangat, berjuang terus, ibadah yg tekun.

From : Momma
To : Her beloved girl

Selamat ULTAH ke 18
Semoga panjang umur, sehat, lebih dewasa dalam sikap/sifat, sukses dalam pendidikan, jadi anak yg solehah, berbakti pada orang tua, berguna bagi nusa bangsa amiiinn.
Maaf mama ngga bisa kasih hadiah, hanya doa yg tulus buat anakku tersayang, semoga dapat ridho dan berkah dari Allah SWT disetiap langkahmu, amiiinn.

From : Someone
To : hmm "me"

Time fly so fast
Start to be a women
From time to time your chance to be a women gone and you'll regret
Ruin your mind before, and change with future hope
And Someday
Without you find hardly
He will come to you humbly
Happy birthday !!
Happy life for you !!
And hope your dreams run well

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